archiv & bibliothek der sozialen bewegungen
we’re cool
Verein Ku-Bi e.V.
English presentation

 Tiger auf der Pirsch

Berliner Archive

Ein Projekt zu 30 Jahren Hausbesetzerbewegung (West-)Berlin
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Presentation Papiertiger


Papiertiger, the archive & library for and about Social Movements, has its origins in the squatted 'KukuCK' - Centre ("Art and Culture Centre Kreuzberg") in Berlin / FRG. By merging several private book-collections, in 1983 the KukuCKs-Library was founded, which was registered as as a non-profit-organisation in 1984.
After the eviction of the KukuCK-Centre in July 1984 the library moved to the Cuvrystrasse in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Also in 1984, plans evolved to build an archive to support the library. Following the slogan "From the movement for the movement", the planning was to collect, evaluate and make available to the public material from and about the different social movements. In May 1985 the archive and library were opened, now under the name "Papiertiger".

Holdings, mostly in the german language:

At the moment mounting up to about 10.000 books, sorted according to the sections of the archive;

Archive of magazines and newspapers:
We have about 5.000 different titles, which include most of the national and regional publications since the late 60ies, and about 400 foreign publications;

Archive of articles and documents:
More than 2.000 files contain leaflets, articles and publications concerning all sections of social movements since the 60ies;

More than 1.000 posters from at home and abroad, roughly sorted to topics;

Archive about countries:
About almost every country we hold material in the form of arcticles, leaflets and publications, to some extend since 1969.

Use of the archive and what you can do:
During our opening hours all materials can be used. The general use is free of charge. It is possible to make photocopies. Members of the association can lend books from the library. All other materials can not be borrowed. Assignements of investigations on request (for a fee).

But as an archive and library, and as an small association, we are also relying on help from known and unknown friends worldwide. We are always looking for free subscriptions of magazins or newspapers and of course other publications and will be very grateful. Funds (equipment and / or money) are always welcome!

Our address:
Cuvrystr. 25
10997 Berlin
Tel / Fax: 0049 - (0)30 - 618 30 51